Adult ADHD Northern Colorado

What is ADHD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, commonly referred to as ADHD or ADD, is a development condition that impacts the ability to manage, control, or make the most of our executive functions. Executive functions include things like attentiveness, organization of thoughts, concept comprehension, and access to short-term memory. At any age, ADHD sufferers may find themselves struggling with impulsivity, inattention, difficulty remembering details, and hyperactivity. Assessments determine whether clients are predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or exhibit a combined presentation. The current diagnostic criteria from the DSM-5 outlines these three types of ADHD based on the predominance of the symptomology.

Symptoms of ADHD in Adults

Adults may experience many of the same symptoms of ADHD that children do, such as interference in focus, hyperactivity, and other executive function disruptions. Some common problems experienced in adulthood which may be related to ADHD include:

  • Impulsiveness
  • General disorganization
  • Difficulty prioritizing/triaging problems
  • Trouble focusing
  • Trouble multitasking
  • Difficulty structuring, planning, or managing tasks
  • Low tolerance for frustration

Of course, keep in mind that all of these symptoms may be experienced by all adults at some point in time. If these kinds of problems are significantly disrupting your life or causing you distress, it may be time to consider getting a diagnostic assessment for ADHD. Many adults choose to forgo this assessment, thinking, “I’ve lived with it this long,” but an appropriate diagnosis can put you on the right track to receiving the interventions you need to relieve the frustrating symptoms of ADHD and take control of your life.

What will ADHD Assessment for Adults Look Like?

To ensure an accurate diagnosis we will complete a battery of tests. One of the most common tools we use specifically for ADHD testing is the continuous performance test (CPT), which is administered via computer. The CPT evaluates your ability to sort through information for relevant details and stay focused on a particular task. Our assessment process may also include any of the following:

  • Clinical interview
  • Rating scales
  • Neuropsychological testing batteries
  • Achievement testing
  • Cognitive evaluation
  • Observation

Our psychologist will also ask you to provide a detailed medical history, list of current and past medications, educational reports, and/or past reviews or testing performance from counselors, educators, or other professionals. All of this information helps us to contextualize your symptoms and needs and rule in or out additional or alternative diagnoses. For more information about our ADHD testing services for adults, in Fort Collins, Colorado, call 970-825-0481.

Take Our ADHD Self-Test

Discover if you may be showing symptoms of ADHD. Please note, this test for educational purposes and is not a diagnosis.

Request an Appointment

Ready to find answers? Need an evaluation for work or school? Our professional team of psychologists and counselors are eager to help. Contact us today.

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