What to Expect

Assessment Room, Northern Colorado Assessments, Fort Collins, CO

Testing for Adults

Things to Remember for Testing Day

  • Getting a good night’s sleep before testing day is important.
  • Try to maintain your usual routine—avoid staying up too late, consuming caffeine right before bed, or engaging in activities that might disrupt sleep.
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast to support focus and energy levels.
  • Take any prescribed medications as usual unless otherwise discussed with your clinician.
  • You may bring a water bottle and/or a snack to sustain energy throughout the session.
  • Please complete and bring any required paperwork.


  • Testing will begin at your scheduled time and typically lasts three to four hours.
  • If your appointment falls over lunchtime, you are welcome to bring snacks or a meal. We may eat while working or take a break if needed.

What Testing Looks Like

Testing will involve a variety of activities depending on the evaluation focus, which may include:

  • Answering questions verbally, selecting answers from multiple choices, and working on a computer
  • Problem-solving tasks and puzzles
  • Reading, writing, spelling, and math exercises
  • Memory and cognitive exercises

The goal of testing is to identify both strengths and challenges, gaining insight into how your brain processes information to better address areas of concern.

Playroom, Northern Colorado Assessment Center, Fort Collins, CO

Testing for Children & Adolescents

Things to Remember for Testing Day:

  • Getting a good night’s sleep night before testing day is important
  • Please try to keep your child from staying up very late, watching scary movies, having caffeine right before, or deviating from the normal routine
  • Try to have your child eat a good breakfast
  • Medications should be taken as usual on the testing day unless otherwise discussed with your clinician
  • Your child can bring a water bottle and/or snack to sustain energy throughout the day
  • Please bring all paperwork completed (child, parent, and teacher forms)
  • Please DO NOT tell your child what time testing will finish. Sometimes kids get focused on a certain time and cannot attend appropriately to testing in the afternoon.
  • Please DO NOT bring any iPads, tablets, etc. for your child to play with. We will provide play materials during breaks if appropriate.


  • Testing will start at your scheduled time and last approximately three to four hours. We will call/text you when we’re close to finishing if you chose to leave the office during this time.
  • If the appointment is scheduled over lunch time, please bring snacks or a lunch for your child. We may eat while working or take a break if needed.

What Testing Looks Like

  • Testing consists of a variety of activities depending on the referral question(s):
    • Answering questions out loud, choosing answers from an array, and working on the computer
    • Completing puzzles
    • Reading, writing, spelling, and math
    • Drawing
    • Memory “games”
    • We will be finding strengths and weaknesses and learning more about how your child’s “brain works” to help with areas of concern

Ready to Get Started?

We’re here to help. Whether you have questions about evaluations or our fees, please don’t hesitate to contact us.